GV Line Add-Ons

GRESILVA® has developed a line of add-ons for Vertical Grills, ready to add value and enhance the true experience of professional and simplified barbecue. Cleaning and maintenance utensils or kitchen and preparation aids, which guarantee quick responses and excellent services to the most demanding professionals.

Roast Chicken Cutter

Roast Chicken Cutter

The slicer is the ideal add-on for intensive production barbecue restaurants that require quick and efficient service.

Grid Cleaning Tank

Grid Cleaning Tank

The cleaning tank allows for easy and effective cleaning of the grids from the GRESILVA® Vertical Grill.

Vertical Grids Transporter

Vertical Grids Transporter

The Grids Transporter is designed to transport the grids between the Vertical Grill and the washing tank.



Stainless steel grids with the right thickness, practical, safe, and resistant, designed for long periods of operation.